AFH, ESPN and I am a voter.® Team Up To Spread The Word About Voting - Athletes for Hope

AFH, ESPN and I am a voter.® Team Up To Spread The Word About Voting

Athletes for Hope, ESPN and I am a voter.® have joined forces to encourage athletes and their networks to vote and ensure their voices are heard in the upcoming presidential election on Tuesday, November 3rd. I am a voter.® is a nonpartisan movement that aims to create a cultural shift around voting and civic engagement by unifying around a central truth: our democracy works best when we all participate.


  • The voter turnout rate for the 2016 U.S. presidential election was just 61%
  • The U.S. ranked 26th out of 32 developed countries for its percentage of eligible voters who actually turned out to vote
  • Just 31% of eligible young people cast ballots in the 2018 Midterm election

In that spirit, beginning Tuesday, September 22nd, National Voter Registration Day, AFH professional, Olympic, Paralympic and collegiate athletes will begin activating around this movement by sharing content across their social media platforms. If you are interested in contributing and getting involved, here’s how you can help:


Visit and register to vote/verify you’re registered to vote


Text VOTER to 26797 and I am a voter.® will walk you through the voter registration and verification process


Share the following messages/images on your social media channels:

  • It takes less than 2 minutes to register to vote. Text VOTER to 26797 to register today. #iamavoter @athletesforhope
  • Every election, you get to help decide who your leaders are and who will be representing Text VOTER to 26797 to make sure are registered to vote and get alerts for all your elections. #iamavoter @athletesforhope
  • Text VOTER to 26797 to check your voter registration and to get alerts for your elections. #iamavoter @athletesforhope





This year, Americans will vote for not only the President, but Vice President, 35 Senate seats, 435 House seats, 11 Governor seats, 10 Attorneys General, 7 secretary of state seats and 280 state supreme and appellate court seats. And while the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed much out of our control there’s something about your future you can control. By VOTING. So, join us as we fulfill our civic duty, encourage friends and family to do the same and cast our ballots this November!