Tiombé Hurd, Community Hero of the Week - Athletes for Hope

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Athlete Spotlight

Tiombé Hurd, Community Hero of the Week

Triple Jump Olympian Tiombé Hurd is this week’s Community Hero!

AFH is excited to name USA Track & Field Tiombé Hurd as this week’s Community Hero of the Week!

Tiombé has been an incredible member of Athletes for Hope for over 13 years. She has participated in countless charitable opportunities ranging from participating in gender equality awareness campaigns to helping kids stay active through our AFH Fit program.

Because of Tiombé’s lived experience with a degenerative eye disorder, she is passionate about helping people with the same challenges she has faced throughout her life. As a result, AFH helped connect Tiombé to Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind in Washington D.C, a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the blind or visually impaired in the area.

Just last weekend, Tiombé continued to help pass the passion with Howard, Leveling the Playing Field and Global Girls Academy at our DC Chapter event.

Tiombé has truly set the standard for what it means to use your platform to give back to others. We are so grateful for her work and dedication to making the world a better place!