Muna Lee Archives - Athletes for Hope

Muna Lee Visits Crockett Elementary

Muna Lee Visits Crockett Elementary

Muna Lee is a seven-time NCAA champion, 12-time SEC champion, a 20-time All-American from LSU an Olympic gold medalist and an Athletes for Hope member athlete. Muna visited Crockett Elementary last week through our Let’s Move Active Schools partnership. This is what she had to say about why she volunteers and what she enjoyed most about her visit.

Why do you volunteer?

I volunteer because I love kids. I love to see kids involved and being expressive in every aspect of life. Kids have so many questions about life and they should have the chance to ask someone outside of the people they see everyday. I don’t mind being that person.

What draws you to this cause?

Volunteering comes very natural to me – in or out of sports. I love helping others because I have been on both sides of life. I remember growing up Buck O’Neal, Maurice Greene and Jackie Joyner Kersee always making sure they came up to me and expressing to me that if I keep working hard I can have that same success as them. Without them, I would’ve never believed I could go to the Olympics and travel the world.

What was your favorite part of the day?

My favorite part of the day was seeing the non-athletic kids really get into learning how to give and take a baton. Kids learn so fast. I bet they will never forget how to do it for the rest of their lives. Now when track comes on TV they will know what to look for. Being able to show them more about my sport made my day.