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International Women’s Day Twitter Chat

International Women’s Day Twitter Chat

In celebration of International Women’s Day, Athletes for Hope teamed up with The Women’s Sports Foundation and co-hosted an #AthletesforProgress Twitter Chat that focused on topics at the intersection of sports and gender equality.

We were proud to have an incredible group of thought-leaders join us for this discussion including: Girl Scouts, Women Win, ZGiRLS, Up2Us Sports, GAALS and Girls in the Game.

Athletes such as Michelle Carter, Grete Eliassen and Layshia Clarendon amplified the passion of this important conversation by lending their perspective on issues such as women in leadership roles within sports, the #MeToo movement and the various ways in which athletes can use their platform to help move the needle on gender equality.

We want to thank the organizations, athletes and communities of people that tuned in for our #AthletesforProgress Twitter Chat and look forward to continuing our focus on the issue of equality.

In case you missed the chat, you can find a short recap here.

International Women's Day Twitter Chat