Patrick Jones II, Community Hero of the Week - Athletes for Hope

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Athlete Spotlight

Patrick Jones II, Community Hero of the Week

Patrick Jones II is This Week’s AFH Community Hero!

AFH is thrilled to announce that Patrick Jones II of the Minnesota Vikings is our AFH Community Hero of the Week! Patrick is a very humble yet eager AFH Athlete and reached out immediately after our Empowerment workshop at the 2021 Reese’s Senior Bowl looking for opportunities to give back in his home town.

Since then, Patrick has grabbed at every opportunity to give back and gone over and above in his commitment to those opportunities. While waiting to be drafted into the NFL, Patrick visited various food banks in his home state of Virginia. He was also very quick to jump at opportunities to give back to Minnesota following his draft to the Vikings. Since moving to Minnesota, Patrick has visited Children’s Minnesota Hospital and Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare. He also joined a gaming group called Extra Life Nerds to help raise just over $54,000 for Children’s Miracle Network Hospital’s Extra Life which was hosted at the Nerdery office in Edina, MN. 🙌

Congratulations to Patrick and we are so thankful for his commitment to making the world a better place!