AFH Announces New Pilot Project for Kids - Athletes for Hope

AFH Announces New Pilot Project for Kids

In honor of those committing to healthier and more active lifestyles this New Year, we’re announcing our newest pilot project for kids called the AFH Fit Monthly Challenge Video Series.

Our AFH Fit program (link) incorporates all our AFH Member connections to physical activity programs like Marathon Kids, Active Schools and Power Up! and now, we are adding a series of videos. Although we connect hundreds of AFH Members to schools and clubs all over the country, the demand is greater than the number of available athletes. That’s where the new videos come in! Videos will feature professional, Olympic and college athletes performing a variety of warm ups, stretches and activities and will help bring an AFH Member visit to schools and clubs no matter of location or athlete availability.

megan oyster afh fit

Each month, AFH will release a new video with a new monthly challenge. Physical education teachers and classroom teachers can share the videos with their kids and perform the monthly set of activities. Children are encouraged to perform the monthly challenge activity and log their progress. Our hope is that these videos will increase physical activity levels in kids and keep them excited about getting fit.

The new AFH Fit Monthly Challenge videos are being produced as we speak! We’d like to thank professional soccer player, Megan Oyster for being the star of our first video. If you are a school or club and are interested in taking part in this pilot program, or an athlete interested in connecting with an AFH Fit program school, please contact us. We are excited to launch the project and reach even more kids in 2019.